Step 1
- Bake cake. Prepare cake batter following recipe instructions. Bake and cool in prepared pans.
- Level cakes to top of pans.
Step 2
- Tint icing. Using Christmas Red and Orange icing colors, tint ½ cup icing each red and orange. Tint ½ cup icing each green and pink using color combinations provided. Combine Leaf Green and Lemon Yellow icing colors to get green color shown. Combine Rose and Christmas Red icing colors to get pink color shown. Reserve remaining icing white.
Step 3
- Assemble cake. Prepare decorating bag with tip 2A and white icing. Using bag, fill and stack cake layers, leaving top and sides of cake plain. Use spatula to even out icing between cake layers.
Step 4
- Decorate cake. Prepare four decorating bags separately with tips 1F, 1M, 32 and 4B. Fill with desired shades of icing. Pipe stars and rosettes on top of cake.
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