Material A
- 380 gm of wheat flour
- 1 blade of bicarbonate soda tea
- 1/2 tea blade Baking powder
- Unite all the ingredients above and then sift
- 50 grams of almond powder or hazelnuts or walnuts
- ~ Almond powder burns instantly in 5 minutes at 160C (be careful not to burn)
- if you don't eat it, you can, but if you burn it, an instant cookie is fast and not fast
Material B
- 250 gm of butter
- 1 egg seed
- 220 gm of refined sugar
- 1 blade of vanilla esen tea
Step :
- In the spinning machine, gently roll the sugar and butter
- Add the vanilla and egg esen and turn until pale in color.
- Add the sifted flour ingredients
- Then add almond powder
- The slang is flat and uli until it doesn't stick in the hand
- Round the doh the size of the guli. Budget weight 1 in 10 gm.
- Arrange in the burner tray on the burner paper mat.
- ~ If you can lie on a muffin mark, you can. If the muffin marks are heavy within 15 gm.
- Ita likes to be round like this because he is thin and thick! if the muffin reference is thick, there are a few cookies.
- Ok! make it until finished.
- Then burn in the ketuhar which we have heated 15 minutes earlier at a temperature of 170C
- Burn for 10 minutes
- If it's 10 minutes, he's a kind of biscuit suji.
- Quickly press and press with the round wood to form a hole.
- Make it fast and when it is still hot, if he has cooled down a bit, he will crack and break a thousand. Not beautiful, apparently later, right ...
- Hole until it runs out
- Then put it in the oven and burn it at the same temperature for 5 minutes.
- Someone will ask
- what is the use to press ... the holes ...? "
- Ok it's the answer here.
- tadaaa .....
- for wood to take this honey ...
- Do not use anything to make a hole ... which must be round.
- Don't make that excuse no ... there's nothing ... to be lazy to cook and try ...
- People say if they don't break down, they can get the sagunya ...
- If we don't try ... where do we not know delicious or not ... easy or difficult ... no?
- Ting!
- Dah is ready
- Now we can put the filing.
- Eh! You can't ... later ...
- When we wait, doh is really cool, then we put the filing ...
- Add Nutella in the piping bag, then we put it in the holes earlier
- Then repeat at your discretion, do you decorate anything on it ...
- Right ... it's easy to make it ...
- In that case, we make cookies that have cookies and store them in an airtight container so that they don't get limp. If we wait, we will just prepare the nutella.
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